
Increase the click-able area for the "Skull Slope" in both agility courses

Werewolf Agility Course: The "Skull Slope" is currently rather difficult to click on. As of right now, a player must click on any of the numerous skull imbeded in the slope to attempt the obstacle. The downfall to this is, although there are many skulls, they are still rather difficult to click on while your player is running in-between obstacles. Are you looking for runescape account? I can recommend a reliable place to you. Which can result in some frustration with many mis-clicks.

Ape Atoll Agility Course: The "Skull Slope" again, same concept as above, is rather difficult to click on. My Suggestion: Very simple; increase the click-able area for the "Skull Slope" in both agility courses. Preferably just so you only have to click anywhere on the slope instead of the tiny skulls.

I like the new xp counters, but could we have it open up to the last of the 3 counters we adjusted, rather than always opening to the first one? I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. Since the first one is the one many people want to leave untouched, this is why there is a warning. If this is difficult technically, just make it open the second or third by default? On another note, is there any point in the "reset counter to zero" button when choosing another stat to track, or even choosing the existing one again, does the same thing?

Wildstalker Helmets Count kills in F2P.why isn't the wildstalker made f2p? People are looking for runescape accounts sell tips here. on the update I was looking forward on getting my kills and getting 5k kills but when I killed a player there is no count! what can you lose? f2p hiscores was lost already. A xp-count system, that you can set 1 hour, so you can easy see how much xp you did in 1 hour.


Can you make fireball pets from 'Firemaker's Curse' count as a light source?

Castle wars has over 6000 afkers in upstairs(thanks to 5k games req for comp t). This possibly affects good team spirit in themed world. So I came up suggestion make those high lvl player bit more active. Simply as make new milestone which requires getting most kills and captures in w24. Do you need accounts for sale runescape? Please visit here. Make it requirement for comp. cape (t) then. This should force those afkers noobs at castle wars play little bit!

Can you make fireball pets from 'Firemaker's Curse' count as a light source? It seems illogical to me if they didn't give out light because of their nature. Unless if it's too complex to re-create them as a light source, of course. Going to keep things short and just going to offer a suggestion. Could you make it were if we have that toggle xp pop-up on, runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? The level up message appears in the chatbox? It would help out loads because some of us do not like the new level up thingy and I believe both parties would be happy..

I am not certain if it is intentional, and it could certainly be a cosmetic choice for legacy's sake-- but in the Burg De Rott Ramble minigame(on the trek from Paterdomus to Burg De Rott), Pazuzu's robes still show the old Barrows style and were not updated to match the new Barrows equipment. You can trade runescape accounts here, go and have a try. I turn assist off to get rid of "Req Assist" when I right click, but then I cannot see people requesting me to assist. People don't ever spam assist, so what is the point of hiding assist requests in chat-box? 


Some threads are very busy

Some threads are very busy, and without that option it is difficult to find you particular post and any responses from it unless you go page surfing. Not sure if forum stuff belongs here, I apologize if it doesn't. You can trade runescape accounts here, go and have a try. "Add numeric keyboard shortcuts to all right click menu options similar to the functionality of the recent chat box change."

YES!!! A very good update that would help out training fm and con, just off the top of my head, if nothing else (though I bet there would be other nice uses as well) If possible a setting up some customizable prayer shortcut keys so we don't have to switch menus to prayer switch against bosses. okay, here is an idea for a small update, 'make-x', poisoning arrows\darts\knives\bolts...
Do you need accounts for sale runescape? Please visit here. it is a serious pain in the neck to poison arrows and other things right now, because you have to click back and forth back and forth... and if you click the arrows first, it equips them, and you get out of timing... i realise not alot of people use poison ranged weapons on a regular basis, but for those of us who do, this would be a useful update

I knew I was forgetting something. I have noticed that the special offers in the Loyalty shop get updated randomly except for a shop addition. However unless you check regularly you won't notice or find the change. This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. I propose creating a notification system you can sign up for. Basically, as Xuan to notify you when the special offers change. You will be notified in your text box when you log in on the day of the change.


Anytime you have it on all you see everyone like normal

Please allow us to deposit coins to and withdraw coins from our new money pouch while inside the bank interface. This would make it so much more useful.  I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. When picking a option your title disappears for a sec and says the chat window your inside this would help removed frustartion anytime your in large areas like in world 2 ect.

This would only work inside friends, clan , trade , Assist. And allow you to type init and see what others say in the chat windows when under trades with that person only. Anytime you have it on all you see everyone like normal. This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. Slow down Grand-exchange price changes people should not buy a item than it turns around being 1m ect lower than the price you just bought it for and lose so much GP from price changes from clans ect.

On high valued priced items and others and would start fixing the Grand-exchange from all the merch its not really part of game-play just another way to low and higher stock amounts in-game and have a person think i'll come back later when it updates and see what i can get and do nothing and go, You can go to this place to sell rs accounts. i have money inside the collaction box when they know how the price system works from the clan they are in So yes it needs to be slowed down and looked over again with a lower % rate changes taken longer time and should start showing how clans effect price changes little more.


I really enjoy reading the loading tips while the game downloads

I really enjoy reading the loading tips while the game downloads. However, I use a public computer, so they reset to the beginning of the list every time I play. Why not randomize the display order of these screens. This would not be difficult at all; I estimate that, at most, it would amount to rewriting three lines of code and deleting one. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? Give the dominion amulet infinite teleport charges after unlocking all dominion tower achievements.

Switch the Pest Queen with another boss in the dominion tower "boss sets" so that range based players are able to unlock the ranged gloves. Currently, it is impossible for range based players to unlock the ranged gloves, only melee based players can, because to do Void Stares Back, you must be melee based. A familiar that works similar to a pack yack. You can go to this place to sell rs accounts. But the special move send everything in its inventory to the bank, not yours. Make us able to separate un/locked songs similiar to how we can separate completed/started/not started quests.

Add a confirmation alert for when banking/removing an active aura (particularly with the deposit all worn items button) that can be disabled. In the vyrewatch city, The Vyre Treasurer keeps saying "human" "human" "human"and it is very irritating trying to bank after the quest is complete. I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. make him stop please switching clothes to darkmeyer clothes JUST to bank is rediculous. Could you please add a make-x option for the Lunar spell Plank Make? If you did then my hand wouldn't hurt after using it a lot 


Would an option to have the circle border used instead be available?

And is it possible to have opaque toggle option for chat windows so we can still have the partial see through chat window like we have now? And the backpack, is there a way to turn off the squares grid in the inventory so it appears as it always has before? runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? And the mini-map, would an option to have the circle border used instead be available? I was not selected for the alpha, but based on the video these are my concerns.

Initial impressions:
1) The focus or field of vision is too tight. Even after finding the scroll wheel will zoom in and out, full zoom out is still too tight.
2) Resizeable windows are restricted by a zone around the character that make it difficult to reposition or sometimes resize the windows. You can go to this place to
sell rs accounts.
3) There does not appear to be any way to close the combat window.
4) Typing in chat causes random rotations of the camera
5) Selected quick prayers leave "prayer lozenger" in the middle of the main window, and are not moveable.
6) The main control windows are large, covering most of the screen. The large background seen in their headers are unnecessary.
7) A summary of what is where would be helpful. The first couple of times I tried this, I couldn't even find how to log out. I want
runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. I eventually just gave up and closed the browser window.
8) I do like the idea that you can have customized windows showing.
9) The response to actions seems to be much quicker.


I want to be able to quickly navigate to my inventory

inventory visible. I want to be able to quickly navigate to my inventory to access my food, potions, etc. -prayer tab visible for quick protection prayer swapping and soul split toggling -all the familiar options of the summoning quick button accessible. BoB deposit, attack, everything. -SOF pop-up invisible - runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? I don't want his squeaking harassing me when I log in! If we can move everything, I'll be sorely disappointed if we can't move the pop-up so it doesn't appear unless we tell it to. 

I took about 5 minutes to mess around with the interfaces before dinner. I will be continuing that process here shortly, but my early suggestions/feedback are as follows:1) I like that the mini-map can be re-sized to your liking, but you should also consider adding the ability to zoom in and out on the mini-map. I could re-size my mini-map pretty small and then zoom out so that I see the same amount of space. People are looking for runescape accounts for sell here. 2) I would like to see a more noticeable difference when toggling run on and off. I find the interface alpha version to be hard to see. The current version is sufficient.

3) I would like the camera to zoom further out than it does. I would more of an overhead view of my character. I feel like I'm not able to see enough of my surroundings while playing.4) More coming soon... I want
runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. Very nice job overall! After some polishing, the beta version of interfaces should be superb! I love a lot of included changes.


Takes a lot of Extra's with it like installing random software

I wanted to say that Google Chrome, takes alot of Extra's with it like installing random software at ur pc , this might make ur pc slower etc .There is a Java Dll thats corrupt and auto installs a Virus ( but this don't happen alot , so don't worry that much but i just say it if it is ) but make sure ur virus scanner scans everyday runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? ( for this Java dll File) its only to make sure ur pc don't crash , or that u have to deinstal ur java , and then restarts pc @ safety mode , then re instal java , Restarts ur pc and the Leak of this Dll is gone and won't come back for as long as it takes.

If you have firewall or security software installed, they can often block RuneScape from accessing its servers. Please ensure that RuneScape/Java can connect to its servers on port 43594.Note: Windows XP Service Pack 2 has built in firewall software. If, when loading RuneScape, this asks if you want to allow the connection, you need to say 'yes'. You can go to this place to sell rs accounts. If that doesn't help, then an external firewall may be causing the problem. Please ask your network adminstrator/ISP to open port 43594 for TCP traffic so that RuneScape and Java can run correctly.

If problems persist, please refer to the Technical FAQs, which can be found in the Customer Support section of our website. I want
runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. i finally got to play it; kept on telling me I hadnt downloaded google chrome and I did. I like it except for being choppy and lagging which im sure is normal at this point.


The game experience in iself is fantastic

The shadows around the bank objects are a little too much I think but I love the way it makes it easier to see things in there. My choco dust is no longer invisible so I will restrain from eating it :P The game experience in iself is fantastic. I tried just a little combat on low levels npcs and it worked well. Look for cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. One thing I do find a bit of a pain is having to go back to EOC in order to buy what I need from GE. Is that suppose to be? I'm thinking it's because I get logged into a free world...

So, i haven't got the chance to play the beta yet, though i've seen videos of players who do. And all I'm concerned about, dear Jagex, is: the Minimap.In Summer, when the beta will come out you'll have such a wider range of how far you can look. You stand on the White Wolf Mountain, and can see both Catherby and Taverley. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? It's amazing. But the minimap is NOT adjusted to this? Please explain me why you want to keep the minimap as it is now. It won't work good and people will use the minimap very rarely to almost not at all to move to another place.

It should not be neglected. Maybe you've only forgotten the really important minimap. It should be made bigger and adjusted proportional to the game. So, if you're on the WWM for example, you do not only see it on the Minimap, but also Taverley and Catherby, as you do in the real game. People are
looking for runescape accounts for sell here. Please consider this.But the rest, though i haven't played it yet, looks very good and i'm looking very forward to this.


Very Nice, explored much of the wildy

Very Nice, explored much of the wildy, and man was the view distance very impressive. The game felt much alive being able to see over such a distance and actually see buildings,trees, and creatures swarming me. The graphics are very beautiful with coloring and the textures were highly detailed on my screen. No problems logging in, just had to wait some seconds for the textures and meshes to load but worth the wait. Look for cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. The more I explored the lessy laggy I experienced as well as a increase in fps. I honestly can say I'm more than excited to see the final release, as we know more patches will be inbound after that to make it more enjoyable. Great work indeed.

No offence intended Jagex, but is Google paying you or what?! First the Chrome Glasses, and now you are telling us that WE WON'T EVEN BE ABLE TO PLAY THE GAME UNLESS WE USE GOOGLE CHROME?! Seriously, this is pathetic. We have been tolerant. Some of these promotions have been a pain, and many of these updates have began to really lower the quality of the game. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? I know many people who are PERMANENTLY in 07 now as they hate the eoc. We have tolerated a lot, but this? This is too much. If this is gonna be the case, I quit.

Very pleased! Already went to some of the highest places in game and I like the highest draw feature. Hope to see more improvements such as a touch more movement in the water. People are looking for runescape accounts for sell here. Also I suggest going to each lodestone so it gets a chance to load the code for that area. It made everything run better for me.


The detail in the game is great

Seriously chrome only? You state that you will never be creating a downloadable game client for RS3 when it is released and talk about downloading chrome and/or firefox. And when the beta starts only chrome can be used? Look for cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. I trust google chrome about as much as I trust a ********* to take a group of under age kids to go camping in the woods.

At first I wanted to go into this beta........but then I saw that Jagex can't replace my items if a bug occurs so i'm not going to be in the beta even though I got accepted until at least a month after it's been live. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? did I get in to play rs 3 need to know been waiting all day?

The detail in the game is great. The one problem I had seen in my short time playing it is that it is extremely laggy. I blame that mostly on the fact that I live in a small rural town in Alaska and we don't have internet as fast as much of the civilized world. I did notice that the tele time was off on my Pegasus tele. showed me getting on him then just before I flew off he came to pick me up and he flew away when I got to where I was going. But other than that I haven't played much yet in HTML5. You can go to this place to sell rs accounts. I also had trouble with chatting but I'm sure Jagex is working on getting everything up and running smoother. So far so good. Keep us posted. Thanks.


For any confusion, the BETA is a CLOSED BETA

i can't login. unexpected login data thingy happens, first it tries to log in for a while, then it says something like unexpected login server response thingy. DAFOQ please jagex, i know you are working hard. but at least respond with possible solutions? Look for cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. For any confusion, the BETA is a CLOSED BETA, meaning if you aren't invited you wont get access, HOWEVER the BETA will become an OPEN BETA, meaning EVERYONE will be able to access it at some point during the BETA, BEFORE it goes LIVE.

quite sad, i was looking forward to this for months, but now im just shaking my head. wasting all my time trying to log in with the same error message over and over.. What she said basically. But unfortunately, the MAJORITY of the runescape community is dumb that they CAN NOT SIMPLY READ A NEWS POST THAT GAVE OUT A CLEAR MESSAGE TO EVERYONE. People are looking for runescape accounts for sell here. Oh well, corrupt runescape community is just corrupt.

I really think its bs when a player like myself thats been playing for 8 years+ doesnt get into updates like this but when a little rich kid pays out money for that gold/silver BULL**** he automatically gets in. WE ALL KNOW WHAT RS' GOAL IS, NOT THE COMMUNITY BUT JUST PURE $$$$$$$ thanks for being loyal to the long time players like myself. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? Ah, well, after listening to the BTS I expected this to run on Firefox.I'm not going to install a foreign browser with all its potential security problems just to test a game - some other time.


Will future podcasts still be on Podbean too?

I disagree with the idea that untrustworthy ones are the ones you should worry about,"The untrustworthy you can always trust to be untrustworthy, it's the trustworthy ones you have to be careful of, because you can never be sure if they're going to do something... stupid." I like it. Not the iTunes (glad someone posted the podbean thing) but the podcast is good. I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. Perhaps if you'd want critisism.. maybe just say fewer times that you don't want to reveal too much. Good luck and alot of fun developing

I would love to read it,watch it,listen to it but when I saw Itunes.... pliz can you make it so we can downloaded it some other way Im not fan of Itunes and I hate it even if I have Iphone. So now I am forced to get itunes if I want to listen to the podcast what if I don't want to download itunes? Which I don't want to do. You can go to this place to sell rs accounts. Will future podcasts still be on Podbean too? Some of us don't have itunes and don't plan on downloading it.

Great to hear this, i like the way sliske deals with his things. Though i hope his minions, the barrow brothers, will play a bigger part in this quest then they have done before. Can you post this on youtube as well? I would like to avoid having to install iTunes. Plenty of other places to put the podcast up other than Itunes. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? I've a malice towards them that levels on epic proportions. Thank you for the Lore updates none the less! 


It would have been cool to have it RAIN like it was in the video

Already ruining old school Runescape, knew Jagex couldn't keep it like it was, where they droping those p hats?  Raining phats?! I don't see them raining anywhere. From what I've read, they're just being dropped one by one, world by world in odd locations. I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. It would have been cool to have it RAIN like it was in the video. way to ruin the prices.....stop making this game worse...

Droping party had set world with lowst people at this very min. Wil change soon so hurry or missout add meh if you stuck or make a deal. And meanwhile in America a boy discovers a glitch involving the mass amounts of rare items flowing in Old School Runescape. Do you have to kill stuff for them or do you randomly find them laying around? Really? I miss the old days where a single PH custed 300m. People are looking for runescape accounts for sell here. I would love to go on but the chances of me getting one is impossible figuring I spent all of the last ransoms not getting anything.

I want to play old rs again, but I'm not a member since 2010. 5000gameplay hours in 2 years. Guess I had no life, but totally worth it. Don't waste 5 hours of your life searching for one. -- And that's if you're lucky! I've spent like 18 hours and nothing still. This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. Watch the live stream on "twitch" to see where he is. Search for Mod matk. dude if I had the money id start playing this again. This is how runescape should be played. to play in old school i have to be memb?


However others still play the game and enjoy it

Also the decline of magic, discovering of runestones, the almost lost runecrafting arts, etc. Also, they summed up Lucien quickly but he's been around for most of the portion of the Fifth Age that we played and was the badass and long-running threat for awhile. Look for cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. The Mahjarrat themselves were brought to Gielinor by Itchlarin iirc and switched sides to Zaros at some point.

I like this summary but they need to do a huge one at some point~ But I guess that's what the quests are for. from the look of it the last beings to exist in Geilinor would be...the dragonkin? they seem to always be impossible to find when they hide and only emerge to kill gods when they use the dragonkins' stone (stone of jas). People are looking for runescape accounts for sell here. I wish I could replay wgs, rotm and tww. Even if I wouldn't get a reward, those quests were just so epic.

We're all entitled to our own opinions; however others still play the game and enjoy it. I've played since 2006 and I still like the game. Heres a good question to answer: what are the native beasts to gielenor? The ones there when Guthix arrived, the ancient beasts, or did the other gods bring monsters when the barrier broke? This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. Well, Zaros is in the Shadow Realm and is still alive (well we believe), Guthix let himself die. So unless there's a dimension where gods go when they die then there shouldn't be a way to get Guthix back. Unless we can use the Stone of Jas and other Elder God items to bring him back.


Thanks to Mod Reach and some teenage reflexes

And if im on 2007 and looted that scythe can i use it on p2p eoc? whats the point in handing out rares they loose there status as a rare item. Thanks to Mod Reach and some teenage reflexes I got mine just now! why can't non-subscribers use them?!?!?! We are so limited...  lol already got one. for when I wear my bones outfit. Who has an original one? Me! Look for cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. Can you trade it? No! Looks like Jagex is about to start sucking dicks for more fanbase. Here's a hint (besides bringing back classic): drop P-hats. You sellouts.

Took almost 5 hours to get one BUT finally found one after that! Encountered 2 but someone beat me to the first one. Ah this was the first non tradeable I couldn't get the scyth because I was grounded that week lmao memories. unfortunately I don't play oldschool. I'd love to get another chance to get a scythe though on the main game, but I don't know how likely that is. why dont they put these on eoc? People are selling runescape accounts here. i wanted thisz plz the grim reaper suit? I've had one on my account for meny years what gives.

Make All Non-Tradables available... -.- Im a 01 vet and missed Bunny Ears by 1 day because I was sick when I was a kid.. Monster drop? If yes, who drops these? lol have fun in old school i have the REAL one in rs2. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful?  is this happening in the new version of runescape? some one please reply.


Trombone cause well it can bone the goblins

dude ever play zombie game… a real one… there's ALWAYS a guitar. a chello its big so smash them and stab them with the remains... A flute that looks like a sword that is also secretly a sword. he magical harp that teleports me to Rellekka, so I can hide out in my POH. my fists because they probably do more damage than anything else... I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. I play the song of storms, whipping the goblins up into a frenzied cyclone. Aww yeah. Wait, how do I control this thing? OH SHI—

"Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past, or into the present..are certian to miss the future!" –JFK. Trombone cause well it can bone the goblins.  hmm it would have to twang satisfyingly, so a guitar or lyre or even a banjo. You can go to this place to sell runescape account.The Gibson Explorer from the Air Guitar Emote. I would use all the 07scapers. They'd cry the goblins to death.

My fists. Here, let me play you the song of my people. I call it "MURDER". Hmm... A knife. I can make music with a knife. Know what I mean? Huh? Huuuuh? Id use a harp or a flute and sing to make them fall under my control and then kill them. Stun them with a large slapstick and attack with chime mallets. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? well I would say a Harp (hand held harp) but other instruments have been used to show great power... like an Ocarina (OoT)... a Lyre... and a GUITAR!!!(Guitar hero??!!) but in seriousness... new musical instrument, now available on the Squeel of Fortune!


What "made the game great" to me was the indie feel

World events? Keybinds? Cash shops even?  What "made the game great" to me was the indie feel that set it apart from every other MMO in existence. The graphics do look nice, but the simplicity was what kept me in RS. It's too much now. Look for cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. What differentiates RuneScape from Darkfall or WoW? I tried sticking with it, I've played RuneScape for right at 10 years now, but I just can't get into all of this new content. I'm having to relearn the entire game. I guess nothing lasts forever. 

Why Guthix have to die tho..c'mon Jagex? well that exculated quickly. at least i can use my old account. now my only concern...will it work? is it smooth..will it not crash?will it not lag n stutter? Good job Jagex, Now to unban my account for false banned.  is there any actual difference between RS2 and RS3 other than it now uses HTML5 instead of Java? rs accounts selling information waiting for you. Well as well as the graphical options there will be a huge boost in story, new music, seasonal high scores and even a new website. Not to mention you'll be able to customise your interface.

graves are going to fall from the sky like crazy. You might aswell just proclaim woox the winner and be done with it... Makes boss that crashes worlds when it reaches 5th form, doesn't roll back to help people who are affected by their mistake and causes them to lose Millions/Billions in GP. This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. Jagex is so nice to the last of their players! Soloed the boss 999m times and got 999 trillion coins from it. well more then that.


I think the jagex is thinking of ways for us to buy rune coins and spins

Its almost impossible to make it and trying ur luck is hard u need to buy a lot of spins to get it I think the jagex is thinking of ways for us to buy rune coins and spins. Before EOC as a level 99 mage, anyone with a bronze dagger could kill me. after, though, i win sometimes. at least now everything is balanced. lol i made 5k potions so far and guess how many seeds i recieved? 7.... guess how many seeds i got from the $20 75 spin package? Here somebody sell rs accounts. not alot either but in total i had 2.4k materials. so trading wasnt hard. basicly they dont want you to train. they want you to buy spins\

what does the crown do? just change looks? you already spawn In edge vill when you die in wilderness. you spawn next to the edge vill bank. hey, sorry for the question, but, when will we start respawning in edgeville whilst player killing in wilderness? thanks.  Should have let the players keep control of the economy…I thought you guys said you would not introduce any more tradable rares? It screws up the economy...

Yeah, that'd be cool if me and my friends could share our blossoms to make one. But guess whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. You can buy runescape accounts from here. There are surprisingly few updates in this month's BTS, aren't there? wish people would sto complaining about updates, like come on? there not even interested what you think, they dont listen to anyone, they just do it them selves, *rant over*