I don't get the attraction of fixed-screen.
Does playing on an extremely small screen make you a veteran? Start using all
of your screen space, it's what it's there for. runescape , can i ask ? what
can non members do in runescape? cauze im non-members. Make rs these graphics
and old school game play, that would rock.
It's funny how 07 scape is slowly dying due
to the extreme lack of updates but Hey I guess jagex will never learn will they.
I want runescape
accounts for sale, and is looking for places to buy. It was always going to
die, of course it was. The main game is still the focus for updates, and
releasing an old server was always a terrible idea. I told you so. I believe
they told everyone when it was released that there would be no updates, that
what you see is what you get.
so jagex? you want to say that i can do all
long troll invasion this weekend and i get xp books every game? They're able to
get a membership. People are still on about EoC? Find something better to do
with your time. Hubert Farnsworth runs RuneScape's Press page now? The voice in
my head read that with Professor Farnsworth's voice.
Nukes all of the little whiney crybabies
that still complain about EoC? No. They are just in their whining, idk when you
started playing, but I started about 7 years ago, it is not even the same game
anymore. Here are runescape
accounts selling advice for you. No, I am not saying EoC is bad, don't even
try that. Just standing up for the whiners, because they have the right.