
There's still plenty of stuff to happen

There's still plenty of stuff to happen as the Alpha goes on so you should see more things become available as time goes on. Be sure to mention anything you specifically want in the Alpha forum though! Meanwhile in MaXx ED world: "GUYS WE NEED MORE STICKS FOR THE FIRE NIGHT IS COMING" Meanwhile in our world: guys this is a lightbulb 100x better then a fire.buy runescape accounts.Dear Runescape , as a high lvl freeplayer i would like to ask , if there will be new quests not durining events for us ? Brandon if you feel so strongly why don't you apply for a job as you said you are more than qualified.
give me one month at Jagex and I'd turn the game around so much so, they'd prolly give me a job there.I guarantee I could infuse both the rustic-ness of 07, with the newfound RS3...Oh the things in which I could spout off that would completely take things to the next level.While I have time thought I'd share just a couple out of the hundreds of ideas in which are always popping up.1st, completely revamp the music.sell rs accounts.like seriously. Some of the game sounds/music make me think "REALLY?" lol cmon music it what sets the tone/mood/ambience. I've got hundreds of unique ideas that are of course way beyond the scope of those petty ones in which I just mentioned. But those are at the forefront in which could be combated within a week or 2.

