only voted yes because they hope they'll be lucky and get one or are
these the worthless "super rares" that your flogging on the squeal of
fortune in EOC? Buy runescape accounts.Why
are you whining about rares being bad? They are rare by demand.
guys are just so stupid: rares are now so valuable because THEY ARE
FKING RARE = almost no one got them (only a little part of the players)
if they add them again they will never be a rare item, it will just be a
holiday item like each other holiday item Cuz a ton of players (real,
bots or whatever) will take them and than they won't have a high value.So do you want to know where to buy rs accounts or where can I sell rs accounts?
people didnt want them, they would be worthless. But clearly people do
want them because they are the most valuable thing in runescape.why you think whip is expensive now: cuz there arent alot in game; why
is whip in eoc not expensive: almost every player can get a whip by
killing abys.
sell rs accounts.Besides, you cant bot a party hat.unless of course, your doubling from
rs classic to rs2 lol. Good job Jagex, good job Old School Community!