
I don't get why this is even a thing?

I don't get why this is even a thing? Someone please explain? They spun their original game into such a mess that they had to bring back an old version to keep a large number of players happy. Now this? What's new about it? I though RS3 was kinda the EOC update.It is a completely new graphical update and shift. Just like when classic went from terrible 2d to more 3dish models (rs2) and now they updated and revamped the combat system to something much better than what it was previously which was Melee>everything else. To a more intense combat system where everything is useful. Only reason old school was brough back was because people were whining and complaining about it. So, now the graphics have been enhanced there is a completely new combat system and a new interface system. Viola, Rs3.

HTML5 is the base for future graphics updates, apart from (eventually) smartphone compatibility. Draw distance isn't going to be 10 meters anymore, rather as far as your video card can handle. As for Eoc, really people... take 10 minutes to set up your skill bars for melee/range/magic (hint: shield+wand/xbow makes for some nasty combos), and learn to use them. Old combat system was plain primitive ("click on monster, wait a while, keep eye on health bar").No one was trying to make it seem like a small feet. I understand a lot of work goes into everything done to the game. I just didn't touch on it too hard, because it's not really part of my point.Eoc was a beta of rc3 to keep the people happy with the pre-update of runescape3. eoc was not rsc3. Again more people wanted a new runescape, that is why Jagex created it.

