
RS has never had Game Masters

RS has never had Game Masters; do you mean Mods? Loool; and RS rocks get lost, stop wasting space with your rantings.Goddess of Dragons and Saradoman's daughter. She had a wild imagination at a young age and while Saradoman was away (does not matter where) she started to tinker with "life" and gave birth to what we know as Dragons. As punishment she was condemned to walk the world as one of her creations. She does not regret what she has done and lives happily with her kin. Angered by the fact that humans had begun hunting her children for their marvelous Dragon hide and their mystical bones, she scattered them across the world in an attempt to save them from extinction, her youngest daughter, thynas, was slaughtered by man, and out of her rage, she attempted to give them immense power:rs accounts for sale.The breath of fire to scorch even the coldest of water. But man learned through fighting her kin, and created a shield that not even The dragons fire could scorch. She spent centuries weeping as her children fell to the humans. In hopes of saving her children, she created a peace offering to the humans: The Dragon Visage. This gift, however, came with a large price. Skryvana forfeited her role as a Goddess to create this offering, using all her godly powers to create and rendering her a mortal. Legends tell of a man who had met her, alone and weak. She offered him the Visage in return he would not kill her. The man fell in love with her, for she no longer looked like her children, but as a human. The man made her an even bigger deal: he would let her live if she married him. This is how the story of the Legends Guild was created. Seren never had to leave, by not participating in the God Wars, she was not bound by the Edicts.sell runescape accounts.Guthix only told her that the gods should not interfere... reference the Guthixian Memories.seren left geilinor willingly though i believe after guthix promised to protect her elves. correct me if im wrong.

